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Starting a Private Discussion


To start a private discussion you can click on the category Private Discussions. On desktops it's located at the left top part of the page. Then push the button Discuss Privately.

Choose Recipients

Mandatory field

Next you will see a default window to create a discussion with one exception that you will need to choose a recipient instead of a tag (top screenshot).

When you click on the Recipient button you will be able to search a user wich do you want to talk privately to.

Title and Content

Mandatory Field
After you choose a recipient you can fill the Title and Content fields and Post a Private Discussion.

Second Way

You can start a Private Discussion through the user's profile also.


On mobile devices you need to push on All Discussions and follow the same path as for desktops.


Be aware that if one of the recipients flags the post within the private discussion it will be disclosed to a forum Administrator.

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