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Starting a Discussion


To start a discussion you need to push the button Start a Discussion. On desktops it's located at the left top part of the page.

Mobile Version

On mobile devices it looks differently, as an icon at the right top corner.

Language Settings

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When you clicked the button you will see a window that provides you with a default interface to create a New Discussion.
Our forum gives you an opportunity to set the language of the discussion. This feature will help other users to find your discussion by the language that they prefer. At the moment there are presented English and French languages.


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Next you need to choose the tags that is the same as categories. There are Primary Tags and Secondary tags that you can distinguish by the tag's name size. The secondary tags are smaller.

The primary tags are responsible for a reason or a matter of your discussion, such as a Question or Contribution.

The secondary tags are responsible for a target of your discussion. For example, you might have a question concerging our community (forum). That is your question will be in an appropriate category and a responsible person for the community issues will be notified about your discussion and will answer you on availability.

It is possible that other user can sucessfully answer your question also, because we created the community to unite people that want to support and shape the future of the volleyball in France.

Title and Content

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Then name your discussion and provide details and if necessary add screenshots that will help to understand you better.

To stylize your content use the buttons at the bottom.

Now you can post your discussion.